
The server instance can be used by just using the web interface. For your first tests you don’t need a running service. But it is highly recommended for a production use.

The service that is a permanently running loop that fetches updated information of the outdated client data and sends notification data around the clock (respecting the sleep times).

Run as systemd service

This method works on newer Linux OS with systemd, i.e. CentOS 7.

Below /etc/systemd/ create a service file /etc/systemd/system/appmonitor.service

[webroot] is something like /var/www/localhost/public_html/

Description=IML Appmonitor service daemon

ExecStart=/usr/bin/php [webroot]/appmonitor/server/service.php


Check it with

systemd-analyze verify /etc/systemd/system/appmonitor.service

Then work these commands:

systemctl start appmonitor
systemctl status appmonitor
systemctl stop appmonitor

Manual start

This method does runs on all OS (MS Windows, Mac, Linux).

remark for *nix systems:

Manual start form command line as apache user (www-data or apache) is possible if the user apache has a login shell. Do not start as another user to prevent permission problems with created files (in ./server/tmp/).

Interactive mode (*nix and MS Windows or docker container):

php [webroot]/appmonitor/server/service.php

To let it run permanently in the background and after logging out use the nohup command in front and an ampersend at the end (*nix only):

nohup php [webroot]/appmonitor/server/service.php &