Check functions in detail

A check makes a single test like verify if a file exists, a database can be connected and so on. A check will be added with $oMonitor->addCheck(...). You can add as many checks as you want.

You should start with a simple check.

And I suggest to add many checks to verify in many details if your application has all requirements to run. You can chain the checks - then it becomes tool to to detect fast if something is not running and why.

The available checks are the files in public_html/client/plugins/checks/.

General include of a check

Have a look to Let’s have a look to public_html/client/index.sample.php.

You can add all checks after initializing the appmonitor-client class that is initialized on top of the file.

The class has a render() method that generates the json for you. It must be at the end.

In the area between $oMonitor = new appmonitor(); and render(); you can place as many checks you want.

The syntax is

// init (just once needed)
$oMonitor = new appmonitor();

// ...

// now you can use addCheck() multiple times.
    "name" => "[short name of the check]",
    "description" => "[an a bit longer description]",
    "group" => "[optional: name of a group]",
    "parent" => "[optional: reference a name of another check]",
    "check" => [Array for the check],
    "worstresult" => RESULT_WARNING
key type description
name🔸 (string) “id” if the check
description🔸 (string) a short description
group (string) optional override name of a group
parent (string) optional set a “name” of another check to create a deoendency chain
check🔸 (array) check to perform
worstresult (integer) optional: limit maximum error level if the check fails; if the check should fail then its result is an error - but this check is not highly relevant for a running application then you can override the influence to the total result set a maximum level i.e. RESULT_WARNING.

🔸 required

The key check contains 2 subkeys:

  "function" => "[Name of a defined check]",
  "params" => [key->value array; count and keys depend on the function]


This functionality has impact in the rendered view in the web ui only.

Without any group all check results are connected directly to the application node.

+--------+          +---------+    
| My App +--------->| Check 1 |
+--------+ \        +---------+
           |\       +---------+
           | `----->| Check 2 |
           \        +---------+
            \       +---------+
             `----->| Check 3 |

By adding a group “in front” of a check a node for the group will be inserted. All checks of the same type will are connected with a group of checks.


The checks 1 + 2 get the group “file”. Check 3 gets a group “database”. The graphical view will change like this:

+--------+          +--------+          +---------+    
| My App +--------->| File   +--------->| Check 1 |
+--------+ \        +--------+ \        +---------+
            |                   \       +---------+
            |                    `----->| Check 2 |
            |                           +---------+
             \      +-----------+       +---------+
              `---->| Database  +------>| Check 3 |
                    +-----------+       +---------+

A default group is set in all by default shipped checks.

You can override it by setting another group.

Group Description
cloud cloud icon
database database icon
deny deny sign
disk hard disk icon
file file icon
folder folder icon
monitor monitor graph icon
network globe icon
security keys icon
service cogs icon

Chaining with a parent

With a chaining value you can reference another check by giving its name value.

As an example: One of the first checks can be the check to read a config. In it are your database credentials. In the check the database access you set a reference to the config check as parent.

In the monitor web ui you get a rendered tree.
