

Check if a SSL certificate is still valid … and does not expire soon.


        "name" => "Certificate check",
        "description" => "Check if SSL cert is valid and does not expire soon",
        "check" => [
            "function" => "Cert",
            "params" => [
                "url"      => [url-to-check],
                "verify"   => [flag-for-verification],
                "warning"  => [days-before-cert-expires],
                "critical" => [days-before-cert-expires],


key type description
url (string) url to connect check i.e. https://example.com:3000; default: own protocol + server of your webapp
verify (boolean) optional: flag verify certificate; default = true
warning (integer) optional: count of days to warn; default=21
critical (integer) optional: count of days to raise critical; default=5

I recommend to set verify to true. If you should get a warning like

PHP Warning:  stream_socket_client(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:14090086:SSL routines:ssl3_get_server_certificate:certificate verify failed in (...)appmonitor-checks.class.php on line NNN

… then set it back to false to make a test for expiration only.

It returns OK if

  • ssl connect is successful
  • certificate is valid more than 30 days (or given “warning” limit)

You get a warning if it expires soon:

  • “Expires soon.” - certificate expires in less than 21 days (or given “warning” limit)
  • “Expires very soon!” - certificate expires very soon in less than 5 days (or given “critcal” limit)

Even with reaching critical date the application status is “warning” because the application is still functional.

You get an error, if

  • it is not a ssl target
  • ssl connect fails
  • certificate is expired


In most cases you can use this snippet to check the ssl certificate of the own instance.

if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS']){
            "name" => "Certificate check",
            "description" => "Check if SSL cert is valid and does not expire soon",
            "check" => [
                "function" => "Cert",

To not to repeat the same code you can use an include to a file located in public_html/client/plugins/apps/:

include 'shared_check_ssl.php';