
Minimal variant

The following steps describe a first (and most simple) approach for a Wordpress monitoring with IML appmonitor.

If you have installed …

  • Wordpress directly into [webroot]
  • the appmonitor client in [webroot]/appmonitor/.

Create a file [webroot]/appmonitor/minimal.php with this content:

$sApproot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; 
@require 'plugins/apps/wordpress.php';

If wordpress was installed in a subdirectory you need to set its path, eg.

$sApproot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/wordpress'; 

Then request this file, eg. https://example.com/appmonitor/minimal.php. You should get a JSON response.

If so then add this url in Appmonitor server. Done.

!!! β€œNote” This is the most simple variant and just a quick winner. You cannot customize the builtin checks or other metadata.

Customize checks

This is the preferred variant. You can…

  • set metadata:
    • name of the instance (website)
    • customize the ttl
    • set an app specific contact that will be informed on errors
  • add additional checks


  • initialize the appmonitor class
  • set wanted metadata
  • include the app plugin for wordpress
  • add your own checks
  • send the response

Create a file [webroot]/appmonitor/check-wordpress.php with this content:


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// initialize
$oMonitor = new appmonitor();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// set metadata
// $oMonitor->setWebsite('My wordpress Blog');
// $oMonitor->setTTL(300);
// $oMonitor->addTag('production');

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// include the app plugin for wordpress
$sApproot = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; 
@require 'plugins/apps/wordpress.php';

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// add your custom checks
// $oMonitor->addCheck(...)

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// send the response


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

Check it with https://example.com/appmonitor/check-wordpress.php.