

The most simple variant is direct call with the resultcode and output text.


        "name" => "Dummy",
        "description" => "Dummy Test",
        "check" => [
        "function" => "Simple",
            "params" => [
                "result" => RESULT_OK,
                "value" => "The dummy test does nothing and was extremely successful",
                "count" => [float value],
                "visual"  => "[styling parameters]",


key type description
result🔸 (integer) result code
After loading the client class you can use constants to keep the code more readable
RESULT_UKNOWN = unknown (1)
RESULT_WARNING = Warning (2)
RESULT_ERROR = Error (3)
value🔸 (string) ouput text to describe the result
count (float) ptional; if a count exists in a check then a tile will be rendered
visual (string) optional; used if a “count” was given. see counter description Description of response

🔸 required

You can use the simple check to verify just anything that has no pre defined function yet. Set a value for the text that should be visible and the result code (you should use the constants from table above to keep it more readable).


None yet.