
The config is in json syntax. The files are located in [webroot-appmonitor]/server/config/appmonitor-server-config.json

File Description
appmonitor-server-config.json Custom settings
appmonitor-server-config-defaults.json DO NOT OVERWRITE - Defaultsetup

On the first start of the web gui the defaults will be used. By entering a first client appmonitor url the user config will be written.

If you would like to setup it manually without webgui then copy appmonitor-server-config-defaults.json to appmonitor-server-config.json (same name - without β€œ-defaults”)

    "theme": "default",
    "lang": "en-en",
    "debug": false,
    "serverurl": "https:\/\/monitorserver\/appmonitor\/server\/",
    "pagereload": 60,
    "servicecache": false,
        "timeout": 15
        "from": {
        "pretty": false
    "users": {
        "*": {
            "password": false,
            "username": "anonymous",
            "comment": "anonymous access",
            "roles": [ "api", "ui", "ui-config", "ui-debug" ]
    "view": {
            "webapps": true,
            "hosts": true,
            "checks": true,
            "notification": true
            "appstatus": true,
            "httpcode": true,
            "age": true,
            "checks": true,
            "times": true,
            "receiver": true,
            "notification": true
    "urls": {

The values are:

Key Description
api {array} access of api
curl {array} curl settings for fetching client results
debug {bool} show debug tab with internal values
lang {string} language (en-en|de-de)
layout {string} name of adminLte layout (one of fixed|layout-boxed|layout-top-nav|sidebar-mini(=default)|sidebar-collapse)
notifications {array} notification setup
pagereload {integer} auto refresh of server webgui in sec (0=off; default: 60)
serverurl {string} url of installation; it is used for notification only
servicecache {bool} flag for caching; if using service then web gui uses cached data only
skin {string} name of adminLte skin (one of skin-blue|skin-black|skin-purple(=default)|skin-yellow|skin-red|skin-green … and *-light)
theme {string} name of css to load (aka β€œskin”) … do not use anymore
users {array} define users and roles
view {array} show/ hide elements on ouput pages
urls {array} list of urls

The values with arrays are described below.


Configure api access.

Here can be the subkeys

  • sourceips flat list of regex to describe allowed ip addresses. We recommend to limit ip address on webserver config level for better performance.
  • pretty boolean; enable pretty print of json response

Remark: to configure users with api access go to section users having a role item β€œapi”.


        "pretty": true


Curl settings.

Here can be the subkeys

  • timeout: integer value in seconds; default is 15. If you use a service then you can tweak: set servicecache to true and a higher timeout in curl -> timeout


notification targets (optional)

Here can be the subkeys

  • email: flat list of email addresses that get notifications for **all** added applications. Maybe you want to add devops and sysadmins here.
  • slack: key-value list with a readable label for the target channel and the Slack webhook url.
  • from: sender information which user is delivering notifications … in the subkeys
    • email: email address for notifications (is reply-to address too)
    • slack: sender name (β€œAppmonitor” is default)
  • sleeptimes: flat array of time definitions when no notification will be sent. Each entry is a regex. If any matches the current system time (PHP function date(β€œY-m-d D H:i”) - it returns the date in YYYY-MM-DD, the short weekday plus hour, β€œ:” and minutes: β€œ2018-07-04 Mon 09:23”). Pay attention to the dividers: β€œ-” is used for dates and β€œ:” to divide hour and minute. The example will disable Notifications:
    • /(Sat|Sun)/ –> Saturday and Sunday
    • /[2][1-3]:/ –> digit 2 + 1..3 before β€œ:” –> daily from 21:00-23:59
    • /[0][0-4]:/ –> digit 0 + 0..4 before β€œ:” –> daily from 00:00-04:59
    • other examples
      • /2018-08-01/ –> disable notification on complete 1st of August 2018 (Swiss holiday)
      • /[0-9]{4}-12-/ –> 4 digits is a year then β€œminus” + month 12 –> disables notification in December of each year
    "notifications": {
        "from": {
            "email": "",
            "slack": "Appmonitor"
        "email": [
        "slack": [],
        "sleeptimes": [


The users section defines users and its roles to access the api or web ui. The subkey is the user id of a user. There are special user ids:

  • * - contains the roles for anonymous access
  • __default_authenticated_user__ - default roles for an by the webserver authenticated user
  • [userid] - a user id for api or web ui access. Allowed chars are a-z (lowercase) and 0-9.

If you create your first user then copy the entries for * and default_authenticated_user from default config.

The object below the user id contains

key description
comment additional comments
password password hash for api user
roles flat list of roles
username Users display name


The password hash will be verified by api requests only. It is optional for non protected api directory - then the user and password will be verified by the api itself.

To create a password hash on command line you can use

php -r 'echo password_hash("your-password-here", PASSWORD_BCRYPT);'

BUT: we recommend to use webservers protection with basic authentication for better performance.

All users without password field or password: false will match for users with webservers basic authentication.

Existing roles:

role description
api general access to api
ui general access to the web interface
ui-config additional role for web ui: allow access to configuration page
ui-debug additional role for web ui: show debug information
* wildcard; grant access to all roles (= admin user)


    "users": {
        "*": {
            "password": false,
            "username": "anonymous",
            "comment": "anonymous access: no config and no debug infos",
            "roles": [ "ui" ]
        "api": {
            "password": "$2y$10$5E4ZWyul.VdZjpP1.Ff6Le0z0kxu3ix7jnbYhv0Zg5vhvhjdJTOm6",
            "comment": "api user for Axels Dashboard",
            "roles": [ "api" ]
        "__default_authenticated_user__": {
            "comment": "default roles for an by the webserver authenticated user",
            "roles": [ "api", "ui" ]
        "superuser": {
            "comment": "Access to all things here",
            "roles": [ "*" ]


The urls key is a flat list of urls to fetch appmonitor checks.