πŸ“¦ Class iml\tinyrouter

πŸ”Ά Properties

πŸ”Έ public $sUrl

Requested url@var string

type: string

default value:

πŸ”Έ public $sMethod

Used http method@var string

type: string

default value:

πŸ”Έ public $aRoutes

Array of defined routes@var array

type: array

default value:

πŸ”· Methods

πŸ”Ή public __construct()


Return: boolean *

Parameters: 2

Parameter Type Description
<optional> array $aRoutes = [] array array array of routes
<optional> string $sUrl = β€˜β€™ string string incoming url

πŸ”Ή public getCallback()

Get the callback item of the matching routeIf no route was matching it returns false

Return: array|string|bool

Parameters: 0

πŸ”Ή public getRoute()

Get last matching route itemIf no route was matching then it returns []$this->aMatch is set in _getRoute()@see _getRoute()

Return: array

Parameters: 0

πŸ”Ή public getSubitems()

Get an array with next level route entries releative to the current route

Return: array

Parameters: 0

πŸ”Ή public getUrlParts()

Helper function: get url request parts as array

Return: array

Parameters: 1

Parameter Type Description
<optional> string $sUrl = β€˜β€™ string url to handle; /api/v1/productbyid/3424084

πŸ”Ή public getVar()

Get a single variable in route parts with starting @ characterIf no route was matching or the variable key doesn’t exist it returns false

Return: string|bool

Parameters: 1

Parameter Type Description
<required> string $sVarname string name of the variable

πŸ”Ή public getVars()

Get the variables as keys in route parts with starting @ characterIf no route was matching it returns false

Return: array|boolean *

Parameters: 0

πŸ”Ή public setRoutes()

Set routes configuration.It calls the _getRoute method to find the matching route

Return: bool

Parameters: 1

Parameter Type Description
<optional> array $aRoutes = [] array list of [ route, more params … ]

πŸ”Ή public setUrl()

Set incoming url, add the request behind protocol and domain.It calls the _getRoute method to find the matching route

Return: bool

Parameters: 1

Parameter Type Description
<required> string $sUrl string string sUrl url to fetch; /api/v1/productbyid/3424084

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