

Execute a shell command. Use the parameter “command” to set the command to execute.

The default behaviour is:

  • the check returns OK on exitcode zero and critical on a non zero exitcode.
  • You get the output of the command from STDOUT.

To fetch STDERR too add a 2>&1 behind your command.

To handle custom exitcodes you can use the exit* parameters for finetuning.


        "name" => "exec check",
        "description" => "exec check",
        "check" => [
            "function" => "Exec",
            "params" => [
                "command"      => [string: Command],
                "output"       => [bool: show output?]
                // optional: handle custom exitcodes
                "exitOK"       => [array],
                "exitWarn"     => [array],
                "exitCritical" => [array],


key type description
command🔸 (string) filename or directory to check
exitOK (array) array of integegers for ok exitcodes
exitWarn (array) array of integegers for exitcodes with warning
exitCritical (array) array of integegers for exitcodes that result in an error (otherwise the plugin can return OK or CRITITCAL only)
output (bool) flag: show output of the executed command; default: true

🔸 required


Demo with list command

Just as a demo: execute a ls on a non existing directory. To see the error of ls on STDERR we add 2>&1.

        "name" => "exec test",
        "description" => "Test ls command",
        "check" => [
            "function" => "Exec",
            "params" => [
                "command" => 'ls -l /a/non/existing/dir 2>&1',
                "output" => true,

Custom return codes

To allow another non-zero existode as OK you can use the array exitOK. Here is a returncode example with rsync (which is not really a good test command in a monitoring). Rsync returns 24 for “Partial transfer due to vanished source files”. We want to allow 0 and 24 as OK values. (Zero is always OK - so we need to add 24 only.)

        "name" => "exec test 2",
        "description" => "Rsync data",
        "check" => [
            "function" => "Exec",
            "params" => [
                "command" => 'rsync -rvt /var/data/testfile* /backup',
                "output" => false,
                "exitOK" => [24]