

Check if given php modules are installed. You can define required and optional php modules.

  • The result is OK if all modules are found.
  • It results in an error if one of the required modules is missing. (*)
  • You get a warning if all required modules are present and an optional PHP module is missing

(*) Remark: Here is no implemented validation for a correct module name. A warning or error can be raised on wrong written module names too.


        "name" => "PHP modules",
        "description" => "Check needed PHP modules",
        "check" => [
            "function" => "Phpmodules",
            "params" => [
                "required" => [list-of-package-names],
                "optional" => [list-of-package-names],


key type description
required (array) list of required php modules
optional (array) list of optional php modules

The names of the modules are those in the output of php -m.


Check required modules

Ensure that named PHP modules are installed.

        "name" => "PHP modules",
        "description" => "Check needed PHP modules",
        "check" => [
            "function" => "Phpmodules",
            "params" => [
                "required" => ["curl", "pdo"]

Prevent warning on missing optional module

To prevent that the total status of an application switches to warning if an optional module is missing you need to

  • check optional modules without required modules: use 2 seprate checks
  • add attribute "worstresult" => RESULT_OK in the check for optional modules
        "name" => "Needed PHP modules",
        "description" => "Check needed PHP modules",
        "check" => [
            "function" => "Phpmodules",
            "params" => [
                "required" => ["curl"],
                // "optional" => [],
        "name" => "Optional PHP modules",
        "description" => "Check optional PHP modules",
        "check" => [
            "function" => "Phpmodules",
            "params" => [
                // "required" => [],
                "optional" => ["xml"],
        "worstresult" => RESULT_OK