
With the API you have read only access to information. Only GET requets are supported.

You get a result as JSON object.


A non pretty url does not need any configuration on a webserver.[API-URL]

Optional - but recommended:

To use pretty urls like[API-URL] you need a rewrite rule. This is an example for Apache httpd:

<location /api>
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule /api(/.*)$ index.php?request=$1

How does it work?

graph TD; Start((Start)) --> chkMethod{Method enabled?} --> |yes|chkIp{IP allowed?} --> |yes|chkUser{user detected?} --> |yes|chkRole{user has the role api?} --> |yes|chkRoute{Find matching route} --> |yes|chkList{Is a listing?} --> |yes|sendHeader --> GetData --> |yes|sendJson --> End((End)) chkMethod-->|no|onlyGet[ERROR 400: GET only]-->stop1((Stop)) chkIp-->|no|denyIp[ERROR 401: access denied]-->stop2((Stop)) chkUser-->|no|denyUser[ERROR 401: access denied]-->stop3((Stop)) chkRole-->|no|denyUser[ERROR 401: access denied] chkRoute-->|no|onlyNoRoute[ERROR 400: no Route]-->stop5((Stop)) chkList-->|yes|showSubitems-->End


To access the most data data we start with the api version /v1. You get a list of allowed subitems to add.

In the urls below are placeholders with a starting @ character; optionally followed by β€œ:” and a regex that must be matched.

To access application results we use the /v1/apps path.

Route Description
/ show help
/health get health status
/v1/apps/id list existing apps
/v1/apps/id/[appid]/[dataset] With app id you can show a show data
/v1/apps/tags List existing tags in all apps
/v1/apps/tags/[tag]/[dataset] show data of all matching apps
Variable Description
appid is a md5 hash (0-9 and a-f)
tag A tag contains letters and digits (a-z, A-Z, 0-9); multiple tags can be seperated with β€œ,” (comma) without space.
dataset is one of (meta|checks|all)


The health check is done by a request to /api/health. It sends

  • healt status if the application is up and running
  • monitoring status of all apps
    "health": {
        "status": "OK",
        "statusmessage": "Appmonitor is up and running."
    "monitoring": {
        "status": 0,
        "statusmessage": "OK",
        "apps": {
            "count": 8,
            "0": {
                "count": 7,
                "label": "OK"
            "1": {
                "count": 0,
                "label": "Unknown"
            "2": {
                "count": 1,
                "label": "Warning"
            "3": {
                "count": 0,
                "label": "Error"

Application results

Detailed description:

  • /v1/apps/id lists monitored applications. You need the key to fetch data of a single aplication.

    • /v1/apps/id/@appid:[0-9a-f]* - with adding the appid you get a list of possible data to fetch. The appid is a md5 hash.

      • /v1/apps/id/@appid:[0-9a-f]*/meta returns smallest result set with application name and its status.

      • /v1/apps/id/@appid:[0-9a-f]*/checks returns all performed checks for the application.

      • /v1/apps/id/@appid:[0-9a-f]*/all returns the largest result set with all metadata and checks. Next to the data from /meta or /checks you get more details like summary, timestamp of result, http response header.

  • /v1/apps/tags lists tags of all applications

    • /v1/apps/tags/@tags:[a-zA-Z,0-9\-]* - with adding a tag - or a taglist seperated with β€œ,” - it lists with adding the appid you get a list of possible data to fetch.

      • /v1/apps/tags/@tags:[a-zA-Z,0-9\-]*/meta returns smallest result set with application name and its status.

      • /v1/apps/tags/@tags:[a-zA-Z,0-9\-]*/checks returns all performed checks for the application.

      • /v1/apps/tags/@tags:[a-zA-Z,0-9\-]*/all returns the largest result set with all metadata and checks. Next to the data from /meta or /checks you get more details like summary, timestamp of result, http response header.


/va/tags/ shows a list of the tags that are in use in all applications.


A valid api request has the http status code 200.

If you get an 40x statuscode it is an error. You get a json with the keys β€œhttp” and a key β€œerror”.

Statuscode Description
200 OK.
400 Bad request. No Route was found. Maybe a route is wrong or a variable did not match the required regex.
401 Not authorized. Your ip is not allowed to access the api.
403 Access denied. A valid user was not detected or user has no permissions.