Page layout

See file public_html/config/00_page.tpl.php - this is a basic page created from starter page of AdminLTE with some placeholders.

Helper variables

Variable Description Example
{{DIR_ADMINLTE}} base path to find AdminLTE resources /vendor/admin-lte/3.2.0
{{DIR_ADMINLTEPLUGINS}} base path for bootstrap, jquery, fontawesome /vendor/admin-lte-plugins


Variable Description Example
{{PAGE_SKIN}} css class for skin
{{PAGE_LAYOUT}} css class for layouts fixed top navigation and fixed sidebar: layout-navbar-fixed layout-fixed sidebar-mini

See also

Visual parts

image: page

Variable Description
{{NAVI_TOP}} top navigation bar
{{BRAND}} sidebar: logo area on top; default color: bg-primary
{{NAVI_LEFT}} left sidebar with navigation
{{PAGE_TITLE}} page: title in html head
{{PAGE_HEADER_LEFT}} page: head area left: h1 headline
{{PAGE_HEADER_RIGHT}} page: head area right: breadcrumb
{{PAGE_BODY}} page: main content
{{PAGE_FOOTER_RIGHT}} page: footer on the left
{{PAGE_FOOTER_LEFT}} page: footer on the right

No left sidebar

This shows the left sidebar: '{{PAGE_LAYOUT}}' =>'layout-navbar-fixed layout-fixed sidebar-mini',

This hides the left sidebar: '{{PAGE_LAYOUT}}' =>'layout-top-nav sidebar-collapse',

If you don’t have any left sidebar then additionally remove the hampurger menu from the top menu.

Initial example

Init Renderer class

$renderAdminLTE=new renderadminlte();

Then we can use $renderAdminLTE to render elements with its public functions.

Define replacements

Create an array and define all placeholders {{MY_VALUE}}as keys and set a value with the html content.

$aReplace['{{MY_VALUE}}']='Content for {{MY_VALUE}}';

Render the first page

Next to the replacements you need to load the html template that contains the html code with the placeholders, eg.


… and apply the replacements. This is a working example to see a first page:


$oHtml=new htmlelements();
$renderAdminLTE=new renderadminlte();


// ---------- PAGE STYLE
$aReplace['{{PAGE_LAYOUT}}']='layout-navbar-fixed layout-fixed sidebar-mini';

// ---------- TOP

// ---------- LEFT SIDEBAR
$aReplace['{{BRAND}}']='<a href="/" class="brand-link bg-teal">
<span class="brand-text font-weight-light">AdminLTE 3</span>

// ---------- PAGE BODY

// ---------- send content
echo $renderAdminLTE->render($sTemplate,$aReplace);