Table of Contents


A div to display boxed content.

It has header, main text and a footer.





{string} html code


  • $aOptions - {array} options to describe the element


Key Description
class optional: additional css classes
shadow size of shadow; one of
- [empty] (=default: between small and regular)
- “none”
- “small”
- “regular”
- “large”
type one of
- [empty]
- “danger”
- “dark”
- “info”
- “primary”
- “secondary”
- “success”
- “warning”
variant kind of coloring: one of
- “default” - titlebar is colored
- “outline” - a small stripe on top border is colored
- “solid” - whole card is colored
- “gradient” - whole card is colored with a gradient
state window state. one of [none]|collapsed|maximized

Toolbar icons:

Set to true to show it; default: none of it is visible

Key Description
tb-collapse show minus icon to collapse widget
tb-expand show plus button to expand; it is added automatically if you set ‘state’=>‘collapsed’
tb-maximize show maximize button
tb-minimize show minimize button; it is added automatically if you set ‘state’=>‘maximized’
tb-remove show cross button to remove widget


Key Description
footer footer of the card
text visible text
title title of the card
tools html code for upper right corner


$renderAdminLTE->getCard(array (
  'type' => 'primary',
  'variant' => 'solid',
  'tb-remove' => 1,
  'tb-collapse' => 1,
  'title' => 'I am a card',
  'tools' => '123',
  'text' => 'Hello everybody out there!',
  'footer' => '© Axel',