Check process resources regarding cpu and memory

Script: check_proc_ressources

Show processes that consume the most memory or cpu. You get a list with usage, process id and process


Nothing special.

Standalone installation

From this repository you need next to this script:

  • inc_pluginfunctions shared function for all IML checks written in bash




(c) Institute for Medical Education - University of Bern
Licence: GNU GPL 3


  check_proc_ressources -m METHOD [-w WARNLIMIT] [-c CRITICALLIMIT]

  -h, --help
      show help

  -c, --critical VALUE
      critical value; defaults: 
        * cpu 90
        * mem 90

  -m, --mode VALUE
      identify what to check; one of cpu|mem
      Remark: for cpu the given limits are multiplicated with count of cpu.

  -w. --warning VALUE
      warning limit value; defaults: 
        * cpu 70
        * mem 70


  check_proc_ressources -m mem -w 50 -c 70
      Show processes consuming more than 50% of memory; mark as critical
      when using 70% and more.


CPU check

./check_proc_ressources -m cpu -w 50 -c 70 returns

OK: all processes below warning limit 200 % Cpu .. (and critical limit 280 %)

Cpus detected: 4

Memory check

./check_proc_ressources -m mem -w 10 -c 70 returns

WARNING: 1 processes use 10 % .. 70 % Memory

Level       Usage        process id  process
Warning    10.9 % Memory       3807  pamac-manager

MemTotal:       16135088 kB
MemFree:         1420576 kB
MemAvailable:    3913212 kB
Cached:          4560964 kB