
Script: check_couchdb

Check couchdb status. This check contains different modes for several checks.

  • counters for http request types
  • counters for http request methods
  • number of open databases
  • number of file descriptors CouchDB has open
  • last replication status
  • count of pending updates for nodes, dbs and users
  • last replication status
  • general couchdb health status


  • curl
  • jq
  • a running couchdb service
  • authentication (see section Installation below)

Standalone installation

From this repository you need next to this script:

  • inc_pluginfunctions shared function for all IML checks written in bash


> check_couchdb -h


(c) Institute for Medical Education - University of Bern
Licence: GNU GPL 3

Show couchdb status.

check_couchdb [-h] [-t FILE] -m MODE

  -h or --help    show this help.
  -c CFGFILE      set a custom config file
                  default: /etc/icingaclient/.couchdb
  -m MODE         test a value; for debugging purposes the full json 
                  response will be shown

  MODE is one of
  httpd           Show counters for http request types
  httpd_methods   Show counters for http request methods
  open_databases  show number of open databases
  open_os_files   show number of file descriptors CouchDB has open
  replication     show last replication status
  pending         show count of pending updates for nodes, dbs and users
  replication     show last replication status
  up              show general couchdb health status

check_couchdb -m up
  Check if couchdb is up and running

check_couchdb -m httpd_methods
  Show counters and change rate per sec of GET, POST, and other methods

check_couchdb -c /opt/couchdb/ -m up
  Source another config to define COUCH_URL


The check script by default sources a file /etc/icingaclient/.couchdb. It is a shell script with read permissions for the icinga user. It contains a line with the url to couchdb

# ls -l /etc/icingaclient/.couchdb
-r--------. 1 icingaclient icingaclient 110 Aug 29 09:53 /etc/icingaclient/.couchdb

# cat /etc/icingaclient/.couchdb
export COUCH_URL=http://USERNAME:PASSWORD@localhost:5984

The variable COUCH_URL will be used to request status information.

With parameter -c CFGFILE can define another location where to find the variable COUCH_URL.


With the parameter -m METHOD you define what kind of check to perform.


Show counters for http request types.

All values are taken from /_node/_local/_stats/couchdb/httpd

check_couchdb -m httpd_methods returns

OK: Couchdb :: Http request methods
              aborted_requests          0          0 per sec
                 bulk_requests          0          0 per sec
                      requests     190116          1 per sec
                 view_timeouts          0          0 per sec
                 find_timeouts          0          0 per sec
              explain_timeouts          0          0 per sec
             all_docs_timeouts          0          0 per sec
       partition_view_requests          0          0 per sec
       partition_find_requests          0          0 per sec
    partition_explain_requests          0          0 per sec
   partition_all_docs_requests          0          0 per sec
       partition_view_timeouts          0          0 per sec
       partition_find_timeouts          0          0 per sec
    partition_explain_timeouts          0          0 per sec
   partition_all_docs_timeouts          0          0 per sec
          temporary_view_reads          0          0 per sec
                    view_reads          0          0 per sec
    clients_requesting_changes          0          0 per sec
                purge_requests          0          0 per sec

 |abortedrequests=0;; bulkrequests=0;; requests=1;; viewtimeouts=0;; findtimeouts=0;; explaintimeouts=0;; alldocstimeouts=0;; partitionviewrequests=0;; partitionfindrequests=0;; partitionexplainrequests=0;; partitionalldocsrequests=0;; partitionviewtimeouts=0;; partitionfindtimeouts=0;; partitionexplaintimeouts=0;; partitionalldocstimeouts=0;; temporaryviewreads=0;; viewreads=0;; clientsrequestingchanges=0;; purgerequests=0;;

Description of the properties:

Property Description
aborted_requests number of aborted requests
bulk_requests number of bulk requests
requests number of HTTP requests
view_timeouts number of HTTP view timeouts
find_timeouts number of HTTP find timeouts
explain_timeouts number of HTTP _explain timeouts
all_docs_timeouts number of HTTP all_docs timeouts
partition_view_requests number of partition HTTP view requests
partition_find_requests number of partition HTTP _find requests
partition_explain_requests number of partition HTTP _explain requests
partition_all_docs_requests number of partition HTTP _all_docs requests
partition_view_timeouts number of partition HTTP view timeouts
partition_find_timeouts number of partition HTTP find timeouts
partition_explain_timeouts number of partition HTTP _explain timeouts
partition_all_docs_timeouts number of partition HTTP all_docs timeouts
temporary_view_reads number of temporary view reads
view_reads number of view reads
clients_requesting_changes number of clients for continuous _changes
purge_requests number of purge requests


Show counters for http request methods. All values are taken from /_node/_local/_stats/couchdb/httpd_request_methods

check_couchdb -m httpd_methods returns

OK: Couchdb :: Http request methods
      COPY          0          0 per sec
    DELETE          1          0 per sec
       GET     190332          1 per sec
      HEAD          0          0 per sec
   OPTIONS          0          0 per sec
      POST          0          0 per sec
       PUT          0          0 per sec
 |copy=0;; delete=0;; get=1;; head=0;; options=0;; post=0;; put=0;;


Show counters per http status code. All values are taken from /_node/_local/_stats/couchdb/httpd_status_codes

check_couchdb -m httpd_status_codes returns

OK: Couchdb :: Http status codes
       200     199970          1 per sec
       201          0          0 per sec
       202          0          0 per sec
       204          0          0 per sec
       206          0          0 per sec
       301          0          0 per sec
       302          0          0 per sec
       304          0          0 per sec
       400          0          0 per sec
       401          2          0 per sec
       403          0          0 per sec
       404          9          0 per sec
       405          0          0 per sec
       406          0          0 per sec
       409          0          0 per sec
       412          0          0 per sec
       413          0          0 per sec
       414          0          0 per sec
       415          0          0 per sec
       416          0          0 per sec
       417          0          0 per sec
       500          0          0 per sec
       501          0          0 per sec
       503          0          0 per sec
 |http200=1;; http201=0;; http202=0;; http204=0;; http206=0;; http301=0;; http302=0;; http304=0;; http400=0;; http401=0;; http403=0;; http404=0;; http405=0;; http406=0;; http409=0;; http412=0;; http413=0;; http414=0;; http415=0;; http416=0;; http417=0;; http500=0;; http501=0;; http503=0;; 


Show number of open databases The value is taken from /_node/_local/_stats/couchdb/open_databases

This check sends performance data.

check_couchdb -m open_databases returns

OK: Couchdb :: open_databases = 0


Show number of file descriptors CouchDB has open The value is taken from /_node/_local/_stats/couchdb/open_os_files

This check sends performance data.

check_couchdb -m open_os_files returns

OK: Couchdb :: open_os_files = 0


From url /up it fetches from seeds -> [node] -> pending_updates the values for

  • _nodes
  • _dbs
  • _users

and summarizes its values.

It switches to warning if one of the values is > 0.

This check sends performance data.

check_couchdb -m pending returns

OK: Couchdb :: pending updates: 0 (values below 'pending_updates' in /_up)
Reponse: of /_up
  "status": "ok",
  "seeds": {
    "couchdb@": {
      "timestamp": "2023-08-28T07:27:54.938619Z",
      "last_replication_status": "ok",
      "pending_updates": {
        "_nodes": 0,
        "_dbs": 0,
        "_users": 0
    "couchdb@": {}
 |nodes=0;; dbs=0;; users=0;; 


From url /up it fetches seeds -> [node] -> last_replication_status. It switches to critical if one of the seeds is not “ok”.

check_couchdb -m replication returns

OK: Couchdb :: replication (values 'last_replication_status' in /_up are 'ok')
Reponse: of /_up
  "status": "ok",
  "seeds": {
    "couchdb@": {
      "timestamp": "2023-08-28T07:27:54.938619Z",
      "last_replication_status": "ok",
      "pending_updates": {
        "_nodes": 0,
        "_dbs": 0,
        "_users": 0
    "couchdb@": {}


Simple check if couchdb is up and running.

From url /up it fetches the value status. It switches to critical if one of the seeds is not “ok”.

check_couchdb -m up returns

OK: Couchdb :: health status (value 'status' in /_up is 'ok')
Reponse of /_up: 
  "status": "ok",
  "seeds": {
    "couchdb@": {
      "timestamp": "2023-08-28T07:27:54.938619Z",
      "last_replication_status": "ok",
      "pending_updates": {
        "_nodes": 0,
        "_dbs": 0,
        "_users": 0
    "couchdb@": {}