Table of Contents
Check Gitlab tokens
Script: check_gitlab_tokens
check_gitlab_tokens checks all newer tokens of projects and groups if they expire soon. You can set a warning and a critical level in days.
Gitlab has an api requrest /personal_access_tokens
but it doesn’t have the information about the project or usergroup where it is defined.
This check executes additional requests to show it and offers the url to the web linkinterface.
The check returns
- unknown - the http request to gitlab api failed
- critical - min. 1 token is expiring soon
- warning - min. 1 token reached the warning level (and no criritical token was found)
- ok - api request was successful; no critical or warning token was found.
- curl
- Bash REST API client
A set of class like functions with a http. prefix.
📗 Docs:
Extract or Git pull the Bash REST API client somewhere in your filesystem. eg. /opt/bash-api-client/. With the parameter -r <FILE>
you point to the file
Standalone installation
From this repository you need next to this script:
shared function for all IML checks written in bash
The script needs to connect to the Gitlab API. You need to create a token
- as an admin user
- with api-read role
to read all tokens and all projects + users.
Put 2 bash variables for gitlab access and optionally the rest client into /etc/icinga2/gitlab.cfg
. This file needs read permissions for the icinga client user only.
You can use another filename for this configuration - but then you need the parameter -g <FILE>
to reference it.
variable | Type | Description |
GITLAB_API | string | target url to the gitlab api |
GITLAB_TOKEN | string | token of an admin user to read the api |
REST_CLIENT | string | as filename with full path or relative to the check_gitlab_tokens |
# Gitlab access:
# Rest API client
# REST_CLIENT='/some/where/'
If you need to skip the token check but the check was rolled out on a server then you can set GITLAB_TOKEN=SKIP
. You can leave the other variables empty.
./check_gitlab_tokens -h
(c) Institute for Medical Education - University of Bern
Licence: GNU GPL 3
Check gitlab tokens and warn if tokens expire soon.
This check fetches the gitlbab tokens created in the last 395 days
from the Gitlab API. It skips
- personal access tokens of users
- revoked tokens
The script can run several seconds depending on count of tokens, projects
and users. Maybe you want to call it with a longer interval.
check_gitlab_tokens [OPTIONS]
-h or --help show this help.
-w VALUE warning level (default: 30)
-c VALUE critical level (default: 10)
-g FILE path to GITLAB_CONFIG; default: /etc/icinga2/gitlab.cfg
There you can set/ override:
-r FILE path to REST api client
default: /opt/rest-api-client/
The parameter overrides the variable REST_CLIENT.
-s DAYS Number of days for max age of token; default: 395
check_gitlab_tokens -w 28 -c 7
Set other warning and critical level
check_gitlab_tokens -g ./gitlab.cfg
Set a custom gitlab config file
check_gitlab_tokens -r /opt/bash-api-client/
Set a custom gitlab config file
The execution of check_gitlab_tokens
- a status line with found tokens total, count of warning and critical
- one line per token with
- date of expiration
- status; one of OK, warning, critical based on number of days before expiring
- name of thwe token
- name of the project or group
- web link to the token page of the project or group
OK: 16 Gitlab Tokens (max 395 days old) .. critical: 0 (10 days) .. warnings: 0 (30 days)
2025-01-17 OK changelog - demoproject <>
2025-01-23 OK read_repo - demoproject <>
2025-03-14 OK api_token - admin <>