Installation with a local Docker service

For development a docker environment is part of the repository data.


  • Linux system
  • a running rootless Docker service
  • tools/ packages:
    • Git
    • Docker-compose
    • facl to set ACL for write permissions for your user and the webservice of the container
  • sudo permssions
    • to set ACL permissions with setfacl
    • to remove tmp data

Get Sources

As your local user execute the following steps:

cd [somewhere]
cd imldeployment

Prepare and bring up container

Quick method

Set permissions, update templates and start the container:

./docker/ i t u q

OR do in step by step like described in the chapters below.

Set permissions

In the folder docker are all configurations and helpers to run a docker container. In it is an to set environment.


You get a menu.

>>>>> MENU
  g - remove git data of starterkit

  i - init application: set permissions
  t - generate files from templates
  T - remove generated files

  u - startup containers    docker-compose up -d
  s - shutdown containers   docker-compose stop
  r - remove containers     docker-compose rm -f

  m - more infos
  c - console (bash)

  select >

Then press i and Return to set permissions.

This sets the acl permissions for the subdirs

  • public_html
  • config
  • data

You will see something like that:

+ for mywritedir in ${WRITABLEDIR}
+ echo '--- ../public_html'
--- ../public_html
+ sudo setfacl -bR ../public_html
+ sudo setfacl -dRm u:231104:rwx,axel:rwx ../public_html
+ sudo setfacl -Rm u:231104:rwx,axel:rwx ../public_html
+ for mywritedir in ${WRITABLEDIR}
+ echo '--- ../config'
--- ../config
+ sudo setfacl -bR ../config
+ sudo setfacl -dRm u:231104:rwx,axel:rwx ../config
+ sudo setfacl -Rm u:231104:rwx,axel:rwx ../config
+ for mywritedir in ${WRITABLEDIR}
+ echo '--- ../data'
--- ../data
+ sudo setfacl -bR ../data
+ sudo setfacl -dRm u:231104:rwx,axel:rwx ../data
+ sudo setfacl -Rm u:231104:rwx,axel:rwx ../data
+ set +vx

Start container

Then press u and Return to run docker-compuse up. On the 1st run it needs to download the PHP docker image with Apache httpd and takes a few more seconds.

If ist is up you can run http://localhost:8002/ in your webbrowser.

Change port

If you need to change the port then stop a running container. Edit docker/ and set a new port

# web port 80 in container is seen on localhost as ...

After any change in we update the configs with

./docker/ t u q

Then press t (generate files from templates) + Return. If you start the container again the application is available under the new port.

The key u brings up the container.