Getting files

An example client to access files from this package server is available as bash script (using curl).

See deployment project

The download script is bin/

wget -O ""
chmod 755

How does it work?

TODO: needs to be completed.

Each request to localhost/packages/ is secured.

A request will be rejected in the following cases:

  • no authentication was used
  • a wrong authentication was used
  • an old timestamp was used (maybe the time on client or server are not synced)
  • a hashed key was used twice

If a request was OK the file will be delivered.

Possible GET requests are:

  • show names of phases (preview|stage|live) (1)
  • show products (1)
  • show files of a product (1)
  • get a single file

(1) only if showdircontent is set to true.

If a valid request came in then the hash will be written to [approot]/tmp/used_hashes.txt. This file will be cleaned up if reaching the defined file size with value of maxlockfilesize.

Test package download

If you use the docker environment for development:

In your app root you there is a folder “example-packages”. Inside the docker container it is available as /var/www/ci-pkg/example-packages/.

  • Below the package folder folders are subfolders for phases (preview, stage, live and “test”).
  • below a phase are the folders with the project id
  • inside the project folder are the files per project
├── live
├── preview
├── stage
└── test
    └── example-prj
        └── hello.txt

In your app root go to the the “tests” folder. This will download the “hello.txt” into the current folder:

./ -u http://localhost:8001 -s myapikey -e test -p example-prj -f hello.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 axel axel 12 Sep 15 14:34 hello.txt

For less params with there is a config:

# for less params with

With it you can execute ./ -p example-prj -f hello.txt too.

If you enabled the file listing you get a list of files:

./ -p example-prj


To have more output you have these possibilities:

  • in the command with ./ add the flag -d to enable debugging for this script
  • in public_html/inc_config.php set the key debug to enable the debugging on server (disable it as soon you can)