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Configuration on server

if [approot]/public_html/ copy inc_config.php.dist to inc_config.php.dist. set a secret behind key apikey.

It means: this is a shared secret between this server and all your application servers.

It is not realized yet to use a secret per application.

return array(
    // define a secret aka api key

    // packages to deliver where files from ci server are synched
    // max age of request ... client and server need to be in sync

    // force that a hash can be used only once

    // filesize of lock file with stored hashed before starting garbage collection
    // 10.000 byte are reached after 114 req
    // tmp dir to store used hashes

    // allow directory listing when accessing a path of a package
    // true is required to fetch all packages

    // Enable for troubleshooting

Key Description
apikey A secret for the server. A client that wants to fetch a package must use the same secret
packagedir physical folder where to find the packages. To this folder you need to point XSendFilePath in your apache httpd vhost too.
maxage max age of request … client and server need to be in sync
onetimesecret force that a hash can be used only once. There should be no reason to turn it off.
maxlockfilesize filesize of lock file with stored hashed before starting garbage collection. 10.000 byte are reached after 114 req
tmpdir tmp dir to store used hashes
showdircontent allow directory listing when accessing a path of a package. true is required to fetch all packages by a single request
debug enable debug output