
Include the ldap class

require_once '[APPROOT]/classes/ldap.class.php';

Create a config with connection data

As an example I create a hash named $aConfig and save it as “inc_config.php”.


       'ldap' => [
           'server'     => 'ldaps://',
           'port'       => 636,
           'DnLdapUser' => 'cn=Lookup,ou=Service,dc=some,',
           'PwLdapUser' => 'PasswordOfLookupUser',

           // node where to find users that are allowed to login
           'DnUserNode' => 'ou=People,dc=some,',

           // node where to find my app
           'DnAppNode'  => 'cn=MyApp,dc=some,',
           'debugLevel' => 0,


Example: verify login data

require_once '[APPROOT]/classes/ldap.class.php';

oLdap=new imlldap($aConfig['ldap']);

// set values from $_FORM or $_POST data of your login form here
// The variable $bAuthenticated is true if authentication of the user was successful.
$bAuthenticated=oLdap->verifyPassword($sUser, $sPassword);