Command Line Parameters

-h: Help

The option -h shows a help:

Syntax: [options]
    -d             dryrun;  show results but no deletion
    -f [filename]  process given conf file instead of all in /etc/imlcleanup.d
    -h             this help

-f [filename]: Handle a single config file

By default all files in /etc/imlcleanup.d/*.conf will be executed. To specify a single file - if you should have several configs there - you can use -f parameter. This is useful with -d (dryrun).

-d: Dryrun

Without parameter or -f [filename] delete actions will be performed. For testing purposes you can use a dryrun to see the found files and empty directories.


In a cron.d config file or crontab of root you need to start the cleanup script for processing all configs at once.

As an example a file /etc/cron.d/imlcleanup can be one line to start it daily at 4:12 am.

$ cat /etc/cron.d/imlcleanup
12 4 * * *  root  /opt/imlcleanup/ >/var/log/last_cleanup.log 2>&1