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Verify a new setup (or changes in the config) with ./ selftest
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- - - ---===>>> CERT MANAGER <<<===--- - - -
DEBUG: Using Let's Encrypt STAGE environment ...
DEBUG: You can test and mess around. Do not use certs in production.
The basic syntax is [--trace] ACTION [FQDN] [ALIAS_1 [.. ALIAS_N]]
The ACTIONs for SINGLE certificate handlings are:
add FQDN [.. FQDN-N]
create new certificate
The first FQDN is a hostname to generate the certificate for.
Following multiple hostnames will be used as DNS aliases in the
same certificate.
It updates files in ./certs
ensure FQDN [.. FQDN-N]
It ensures that a certificate with given aliases exists and is up to date.
This param is for simple usage in automation tools like Ansible or Puppet.
It is required to add all aliases as parameters what is unhandy for
direct usage on cli.
If the cert does not exist it will be created (see "add").
If fqdn and aliases are the same like in the certificate it performs a renew.
If fqdn and aliases differ:
- the current certificate will be rejected + deleted (see "delete")
- a new certificate will be added ()
delete FQDN
delete all files of a given certificate
renew FQDN
renew (an already added) certificate
and update files in ./certs
show FQDN
show place of certificate data and show basic certificate data
(issuer, subject, aliases, ending date)
transfer FQDN
Transfer cert from internal cache to our output dir again.
It is done during add or renew. With transfer command you can repeat it.
ACTIONs for ALL certs
list all certificates including creation and renew date
list all certificates older 65 and older 90 days and exit.
0 - all certs are up to date.
1 - certificates to renew were found
2 - outdatedt certificates were found
renew all certificates (fast mode - without --force)
and update files in ./certs
It is useful for a cronjob.
other ACTIONs
check of health with current setup and requirements.
This command is helpful for initial setups.
--trace (it must be the 1st parameter)
the output additionally will be written into a tracelog file
below ./log.
DEBUG: Using Let's Encrypt STAGE environment ...
DEBUG: You can test and mess around. Do not use certs in production.
CRUD actions for a certificate
With parameter add
you need to add all domains that should be included in a new certificate.
[APPPATH]/ add
All other actions need the first domain only.
The parameter show shows details.
[APPPATH]/ show
If a certificate reaches the time for renewing (i.e. 4 weeks before expiration) you can renew it with renew.
Remark: if you try to renew before renewing date this results in a skip message (and exitcode 0).
[APPPATH]/ renew
With a delete command the certificate will be revoked and the local files will be deleted.
[APPPATH]/ delete
Then a certificate does not appear with list anymore.
The action “ensure”
In a scenario of automatic deployment with Ansible or Puppet you don’t want to find out what action is needed: action add, remove old and add a new certificate or renew. The ensure action is a universal command to ensure somehow that the certificate exists, contains all DNS alt names and is up to date.
[APPPATH]/ ensure
creates (or renews if close to expiriation) a certificate with 2 hostnames in it.
This ensure action handles the logic if a certificate must be
- created (if it does not exist) or
- renewed (it already exists) or
- re-created (the list of dns names in the certificate was changed)
It detects if a domain in the certificate can use a txt record or needs dns auth mode.
Show certificate data
Use the listing [APPPATH]/ list
or maybe filter it [APPPATH]/ list | grep "mail."
to get a list of existing certs an then use the hostname in the 1st column to show details:
[APPPATH]/ show
Renew all certificates
[APPPATH]/ renew-all
In log/certmanager.log you find a logging about time of changes for a certificate: when it was added, renewed, deleted. A skipped renew execution (even if it was triggered internally by “ensure”) won’t be logged.
Additionally there is a –trace option (must be the 1st param) - an execution output will be put to logfile that contains domain and timestamp.