Source the script

You must source the Then its functions are usable in the current process. The “methods” start with “http” dot “[method]”.

Initialize a new request


Make a request

http.makeRequest ''

This stores the response in a variable and has no output.

Use http.* functions

Now you can get its data, eg

  • http.getStatuscode - This returns the Http status code
  • http.getStatus - This returns a string - one of Ok|Redirect|Error
  • http.getResponseHeader - print Http response header
  • http.getResponse - get response body

Example script


cd "$( dirname "$0" )" || exit
. ../ || exit 1

http.makeRequest GET ""


A single request shows no advantages yet. You need authentication? You make multiple requests to the same API? Then you should continue.

Try it

Execute the script ./tests/ to see a basic example.

Screenshot - example script